Always Proud

February is LGBT History Month here in the UK, so here’s a little update about the Heritage Pride flag that I created last year. This flag merges Gilbert Baker’s original 8 colour Pride Flag into Valentino Vecchietti’s Intersex Inclusive Pride flag, to show the full journey that this iconic emblem has been on over the past 40+ years.
During the past 12 months I’ve printed greetings cards which incorporated this new Pride flag into both my Heart and Saltire motifs. These have proved to be popular with customers. So much so that I’m currently out of stock of my Heart Heritage Pride card.
In addition I had Heart Heritage Pride t-shirts printed for Mr Smartie and me to wear to Edinburgh Pride 2024. More recently we took some sample Saltire: Heritage Pride t-shirts away with us, to take photos of. These shirts may go into production later this year, if there is sufficient interest.