Solstice Greetings


As we start to ease our way into the festive season and mark the shortest day of the year, here in Scotland, now feels an appropriate time to share some winter solstice greetings.

Thanks to all my social media followers for the likes and love that you’ve shown for me online, over the past year, it’s really appreciated. To my friends, and the people and organisations within my professional network, who have championed [gawr-juhs] art over the last 12 months, your support means so much to me. None of what I do would be possible without my suppliers, who give my products such care and attention during the manufacturing and production process. And the biggest thank-you goes to everyone who has purchased t-shirts and greetings cards from the [g]store – you’re all gorgeous superstars!

Stay safe and healthy over the Yuletide and Hogmanay, and here’s hoping that 2022 is an improving twelve months for us all.

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